Concretismo and Neoconcretismo: Fifty Years Later.
A two-day international colloquium
September 13-14, 2007
9:30am - 6pm
Place:The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
American General Special Events Room
Mezzanine levelThe Audrey Jones Beck Building
General Information:For information the public may call 713-639-7308
On the occasion of the recent acquisition of The Adolpho Leirner Collection of Brazilian Constructive Art by the MFAH, Concretismo and Neoconcretismo: Fifty Years Later assesses the state of research on the avant-garde artists and groups that constituted this critical chapter of post-War art in Brazil. The art world’s discovery of Lygia Clark and Hélio Oiticica in the 1990s has led to a greater interest and exploration of less well-known artists and movements that have shaped this historic period. In addition, there has been an increased urgency for more critical research on this important period of Brazilian avant-garde art.
Bringing together a distinguished group artists, critics, and scholars, Concretismo and Neoconcretismo seeks to generate updated frameworks and new lines of investigation for the interpretation of these interrelated tendencies. The starting point for this historiographic revision will be the testimonies presented by some of the earliest participants of these groups as well as by the critics who first identified their contributions in relation to both the Latin American avant-garde and international modes of abstraction.
This international colloquium is presented in conjunction with the exhibition Dimensions of Constructive Art in Brazil: The Adolpho Leirner Collection, on view at the MFAH through Sunday, September 23, 2007, that gathers together more than a hundred artworks.
Colloquium Chairs:
Ana María Belluzzo, Universidade de São Paulo and FAPESP, São Paulo
Mari Carmen Ramírez, the Wortham Curator of Latin American Art and Director, International Center for the Arts of the Americas at the MFAH
Francisco Alambert, Universidade de São Paulo
Aracy Amaral, independent scholar and curator, São Paulo
Yve-Alain Bois, Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton University, New Jersey
Ronaldo Brito, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
Paulo Sérgio Duarte, Universidade Cândido Mendes, Rio de Janeiro
María Amalia García, Universidad de Buenos Aires/CONICET
Héctor Olea, writer and ICAA Publications and Translations Editor, Houston
Luiz Camilo Osório, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
Ann Reynolds, The University of Texas at Austin
Nicolau Sevcenko, Universidade de São Paulo and Harvard University
Paulo Venâncio Filho, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Alexander Wollner, artist and graphic designer, São Paulo
The presentations will be delivered in English, Portuguese or Spanish. Simultaneous translation will be available.Reserved seating only, registration is required. For more information, reservations, and travel information, please contact Sonia Montoya at 713-639-7308, or by e-mail at smontoya@mfah.org.
Concretismo and Neoconcretismo: Fifty Years Later is organized by The International Center for the Arts of the Americas (ICAA) at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP), Brazil.
Concretismo and Neoconcretismo receives generous funding from Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P.Dean of Humanities, Rice University
The exhibition Dimensions of Constructive Art in Brazil: The Adolpho Leirner Collection is organized by the MFAH. Generous support is provided by Mr. Samuel F. Gorman and Macy's.
Courtesy Photo: Maurício Nogueira Lima, Objeto rítmico no 2 (segunda versão) [Rhythmic Object (second version)], 1953, the Adolpho Leirner Collection of Brazilian Constructive Art, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, museum purchase with funds provided by the Caroline Weiss Law Accessions Endowment Fund. Copyright: Maurício Nogueira Lima
2 comentarios:
Espero que publiquen las actas de este encuentro. Soy un admirador del neoconcreto, de la posiblidad de juntar artes visuales y poesía. Es curioso que haya sido recién en los años 90 que la obra de esta vanguardia se puso en valor en los centros internacionales. Seguro otro tanto ocurrirá pronto con el arte latinoamericano de los años 70.
augusto querido, es cierto, a mi me gustari mucho tambien estar en ese encuentro. de hecho lo cuelgo de la pura envidia de no poder estar ahí. ja! pero bueno, espero al menos, como dices, que se publiquen las actas que muy bien harían en despertar la curiosidad y la discusión en un contexto como el nuestro donde el horizonte constructivo de nuestro arte contemporáneo ha sido tan poco referido y estudiado.
sobre la futura puesta en valor del arte latinoamericano de los 70s pues sí, ya está sucediendo de hecho. tema para discusión en otro post, de hecho voy a colgar ahora algo al respecto en relación al simposio de méxico. saludos!
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